composer violinist maker
Songs from The Firelight Isle
Inspired by the comic by Paul Duffield
2018 - ongoing
This album is an ongoing, living album that accompanies Paul Duffield's beautiful comic The Firelight Isle. As more chapters are added, more music will be written and added to the album.
Heavenly Blue was released in August 2018 (backers of Paul's Kickstarter to print the first volume got the track early as a perk!). The Nameless Dark and an Interlude will be released soon following the second Kickstarter.
Scroll down to read/watch more about the process!
You can buy or stream it from your favourite service here:
Creating the Songs from The Firelight Isle
Part 1
In this video I chat a bit about the album as a whole and making music as fan art. I love that fan art really draws me into a love of the process, amplifying my enjoyment of both the original work and the music making.
Part 2
In this video I chat a bit about the first track Heavenly Blue. I go through the ways I created the percussion sounds for the Morning Call and the Art bell staff, layering virtual and real sounds. I look at how I layer up the strings and improvise melodies.
Part 3
In this video I chat a bit about The Nameless Dark. I look at making my own percussion instrument, the words that inspired the opening rhythms and pulling the string lines out from there.
This is an ongoing series and I will add more videos as I release more tracks of this album.