composer violinist maker

Shallow Listening
the music box project build a world where sonic pillars are organically interwoven with performative sinew. every stage change, movement, sound, action and visual is intentional and we are always performing.
Premiered at BIFEM September 2019, performed again May 2021 at Australia Hall, Sydney
2020 - ongoing
Play Me, Mend Me
Improvised performance on Anita Johnson Larkin's sculpture 'Play Me, Mend Me' as part of the closing of her exhibition Come to Me Without A Word at the Wollongong Art Gallery.
11 October 2020
Sound Game Picnic
the music box project, in collaboration with hibernation festival, present Sound Game Picnic - a multi-livestream online event performed in and around cockatoo island for 6 hours. We perform a series of fun, experimental games devised by the collective, exploring sound in response to the site – music made from maps, sonic scavenger hunts, notes on isolation, adventuring sound keepers/seekers, droning chase sequences, live drawing/scoring and more.
Livestreamed June 2020
Songs from The Firelight Isle
Soundtrack inspired by the comic The Firelight Isle by Paul Duffield. Ongoing album with tracks released in tandem to the comic.
First track released August 2018
The BIFEM Cushion Concert
the music project box constructs and lives inside a garbage heap of five years worth of notations from our past projects, performances and explorations. rustles of notations, rumbles of sound, interjections and interactions…2019 B.
Performed September 2019 at the Bendigo International Festival of Exploratory Music
The Wollongong Town Hall Laneway
Commission from Wollongong City Council for 3 pieces, installed in the Town Hall Laneway.
Installed December 2018
The Grotto
Interactive multimedia sound and light installation
Collaboration with Jasmine Ryan and Maya Saunders
Exhibited in Sept 2018 at Yours & Owls Wollongong Fringe Festival
Something Bowered, Something Blue
Interactive multimedia sound and light installation
Exhibited in Nov - Dec 2017 at Scope: UOW Grad Show
The Island
Interactive multimedia sound and light installation
Collaboration with Jasmine Ryan, Maya Saunders, Kayla Forsythe and Maddie Burkitt
Created at the UOW Digital Media Centre
Photoplay: Music for Silent Film Vol. 1
Improvised soundtracks for 4 silent films on piano with electric violin & delay pedal
Collaboration with Elizabeth Jigalin
Performed and recorded July 2017 at Sydney Unitarian Church, released Sept 2017
For electric violin & delay pedal
Premiered on 19th Aug 2016 at creative space 99, Darlinghurst
The Girl with the Ash Brown Hair
For electric violin & pre-recorded sound
Written as part of an Artist Residency at Wollongong Youth Centre
Released 2016
For electric violin & loop pedal
Written as part of an Artist Residency at Wollongong Youth Centre
Of Boats & Bicycles
For string ensemble
Commissioned as part of the original soundtrack for the film Ambrosia (dir. Rhiannon Bannenberg)
Premiered in 2015
The Ravensthorpe Suite
For string quartet
Premiered on 29th April 2011 at Ravensthorpe, Albion Park
After the Expected, Proper or Usual Time
For 2 violins
Premiered on 26th May 2010 at Old Darlington School, University of Sydney
Song for the Rain
For electric violin & loop pedal
Premiered 25th Sept 2010 at the Clifton School of Arts, NSW
Teacups and Oven Knobs
For electric violin & loop pedal
Premiered 25th Sept 2010 at the Clifton School of Arts, NSW
Music for a Mounting Crisis
For electric violin & loop pedal
Premiered in Jan 2009 at the Novatel, Wollongong
Released on Ostinato in 2009
Finding Frangipanis
For electric violin & loop pedal
Premiered in Jan 2009 at the Novatel, Wollongong
Released on Ostinato in 2009
The Bach Divide
For electric violin & loop pedal
Premiered in Jan 2009 at the Novatel, Wollongong
Released on Ostinato in 2009
Please Do Not Kill The Seabirds
For electric violin & loop pedal
Premiered in Jan 2009 at the Novatel, Wollongong
Released on Ostinato in 2009
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme
For electric violin & loop pedal
Premiered in Jan 2009 at the Novatel, Wollongong
Released on Ostinato in 2009
For electric violin & loop pedal
Premiered in Jan 2009 at the Novatel, Wollongong
Released on Ostinato in 2009
Games Unabridged
Electronic piece, using samples of the Sea Cliff Bridge, Clifton NSW