composer violinist maker

the music box project.
we are
currently raising
money on Australian Cultural Fund to commission & perform
new works.
Support us here!
the music box project is an ensemble I have been making music and mischief with since 2014. we are a curious collective of composers and performers presenting creative, community driven and collaborative music.
in 2018, you can find the music box project:
sharing 'music outside the usual order of things' on the second saturday of every month, upstairs @ the AYH.
taking a week off to make, play, learn whilst residing at Studio:One/Legs On The Wall, Lilyfield 'playshop': collaborating with a bunch of artists, friends, humans, aliens, etc.
curating 'project: anonymous': open call for text based scores to be assembled into an (anonymous) anthology to be made freely available via print and online
the music box project is:
elizabeth jigalin (composer/piano/objects), naomi johnson (flutes), jane aubourg (violin/composer), peter leung (soprano/tenor saxophone), joseph lisk (trumpet), joseph franklin (bass guitar/upright bass/composer) and tina stefanou (voice) with an extended family of musicians.
the music box project humbly began in 2014...founded by elizabeth jigalin, oliver hollenbach and erin hendry.
Read more on the music box project. website or find us on social media: